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In general, there are colored or monochromatic fiberglass lights (pink, white, green, blue) and also black ones that only light up at the tips.

The combination of different colors in one brush can easily be created by placing a colored slide between the flashlight and the white fiberglass attachment.

The combination with color filters creates very different looks by slowly moving the brush over the object/face. If you hold the brush wide open, the effect comes out most delicately.

If you move the brush towards the camera, startrails and soft gradients are created, depending on the movement speed.



I prefer to work with the black fiberglass attachment and have printed out my own color gradients on overhead foil, which I can stick between the adapter and the lamp to create new variants again and again. A mannequin is an ideal partner, the eyes are always open and you can repeat the processes as often as you like.

First I focus on light and then switch the lens to manual focus. Then I trigger the exposure and start with the brush outside of the image section and draw over the face behind or around the head. and then disappear from the camera perspective.

If you wave the brush slowly, you can also create great hairstyles or abstract shapes in the picture and also illuminate great objects with it when kept bundled.


When working on a person's face you really have to be careful to keep the eyes closed as the tips of the brush can be really sharp and could injure the eye!

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